

Workshop on "Automation and digitization in industry"

On November 26, 2020, the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) in collaboration with Siemens Company (Vietnam) held a seminar-workshop entitled "Automation and digitization in industry".

The event was attended by Dr. Dong Si Thien Chau, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of TDTU, division representatives of Siemens Company and more than 100 TDTU students majoring in electrical, electronics and automation.

With the belief that digitalization will have great effects on all aspects of life, Siemens representatives explained the current trend in industry and applications in the field of automation and digitization. There was an exchange of question and answer portion regarding this field. Insights from the seminar-workshop enable students to gain practical knowledge, approach big enterprises, and have clearer orientation in their future careers.

Siemens Company is a multinational electrical and electronic technology company. In Vietnam, the company is a market leader in power generation, power management, power supply services, transportation systems, building technology, digital plant, industrial processes and drives and especially in medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Siemens Company has applied automation and digitization to invest in the development of smart clinics, the Corona virus rapid test kit, etc.


Mr. Nguyen Van Duc, Technical Sales Manager of Siemens Company presenting at the workshop




Students listening attentively and asking the speakers some follow-up questions