

Ton Duc Thang University introduces Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation-JAEC

On the morning of 8 June 2017, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held the launch ceremony for the Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation: JAEC. JAEC is the second online English magazine at TDTU that publishes globally and was oficially licensed to operate electronic newspaper No. 507/GP-BTTTT, on 18 November 2016 by the Ministry of Information and Communications on the basis of renaming the Journal of Science and Application at TDTU (Press License No. 168/GP-BVHTT, 8th November, 2006) through Amendment No. 410/GP-BTTTT on 11th August, 2016.

TDTU is the founder, sole owner and headquarters of JAEC and directly publishes JAEC. The head of TDTU appoints members of the editorial board. The president of the Editorial Board is Prof. Václav Snášel and Vice President of the board is Prof. Ivan Zelinka, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. The executive editor is TS. Nguyen Truong Khang.

JAEC is published four times a year; with each issue containing between eight and twelve articles in the field of advanced engineering and computation. The editorial process of the International Journal strictly follows international standards for the quality assurance and articles published in JAEC are equivalent to articles published in SCOPUS journals. JAEC’s goal is to be listed under ISI and/or SCOPUS journals within three to five years from the of first date of issue (June, 2017).

The launch of the Journal of Advanced Technology and Computation (JAEC) is an important milestone in TDTU’s scientific and technological development, confirming the right and feasibility of this new role for the University on its journey to becoming a world-class research university.

Photos of the JAEC launching ceremony

Overview of the JAEC launching ceremony


Pro. Le Vinh Danh, President of Ton Duc Thang University
gives a speech about the meaning of publishing JAEC


GS. Ivan Zelinka, Vice President of the JAEC Editorial Board
presents the mission, objectives, and plans of the Journal



Journalists hold discussions with the JAEC Editorial Board


JAEC cover, first issue


JAEC Portal:

[FBNC] Ton Duc Thang University introduces the Journal of Advanced Technology and Computation (JAEC)