Ton Duc Thang University Continues to Participate in the AUN-QA Programme Assessment
On the morning of February 27, 2024, the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) together with Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) officially held the opening ceremony of the AUN-QA programme assessment for 2 Bachelor programmes including Mandarin Chinese and Fashion Design. This is the 375th external assessment of AUN-QA and the 5th time at TDTU.
The AUN-QA delegation included Prof. Dr. Rowena L. Escolar Chua - Chief Lead Assessor, other assessors, and secretaries of AUN from the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand.
On TDTU’s side, there was the presence of Dr. Tran Trong Dao - President; Dr. Vo Hoang Duy - Vice President; Dr. Dong Si Thien Chau - Vice President, along with all leaders of units, lecturers, staff and students of the University.
In the opening speech, Dr. Tran Trong Dao - President of TDTU highly appreciated the standards of AUN-QA. This is a solid basis for the University to comprehensively view training activities, especially the input - process - output standards, programme framework, lecturers, students, facilities, quality assurance and business association.
Prof. Dr. Rowena L. Escolar Chua, on behalf of the AUN-QA, expressed her gratitude for TDTU’s trust and support. She emphasized that the goal of the evaluation is to help improve the quality of study programmes. She also expressed her expectations for an effective external evaluation and thanked TDTU’s leaders, lecturers, and staff, especially those of the units with 02 programmes for their support for the AUN-QA assessors and secretaries.
TDTU has had 15 Undergraduate programmes successfully assessed according to AUN-QA standards, 11 Undergraduate programmes according to FIBAA standards and 09 Graduate and Undergraduate programmes according ASIIN standards.
The assessment took place from February 27 to February 29, 2024, with various assessment activities including working with Faculty Leaders and self-assessment team; interviewing stakeholders including lecturers, staff, students, alumni, enterprises; and directly visiting the University’s and assessed programmes’ facilities to help assessors identify the strengths and weaknesses of the University and make recommendations to improve the quality of study programmes accordingly.

Some photos of the delegation visiting the University’s and the Faculties’ facilities