Journal of Information and Telecommunication of Ton Duc Thang University is included in ACI Database
On November 1, 2018, the Steering Committee of ACI (ASEAN Citation Index) approved the decision to include the Journal of Information and Telecommunication (JIT) of Ton Duc Thang University in the database, bringing the total number of journals listed in the ACI to 563.
JIT, released in March, 2017, is one of two (02) English-language journals by TDTU, published by Taylor & Francis Publishers. Since its launch, JIT has published 08 issues, with a total of 53 scientific articles by domestic and foreign researchers. This is a peer reviewed journal, published online with free worldwide access. Link available here:
ACI, established in 2011, is the citation system of the ASEAN Community. So far, more than 73,000 articles have been added to the database. ACI's aim is to bring together the scientific publications of its member countries to share their research results with the world, as well as bridging the gap between ASEAN's current scientific work and its inclusion in the ISI and Scopus database in the future. Therefore, ACI's selection criteria are built in a standardized manner that is as close as possible to the standards of the world's most reputable citation systems. Among them, the two "fixed" standards for joining the ACI are: 1) must be a peer review; and 2) must be published periodically.
Being included in the ACI Database after just 20 months since first launch, it is totally realistic that JIT will be included in the ISI and Scopus Citation Index in the course of three to five years ahead.