

Ton Duc Thang University introduces The Journal Of Information And Telecomunications (JIT) and High Performance Computing (HPC)

On the afternoon of 22 March, 2017, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) introduced the Journal of Information and Telecomunications: JIT). JIT is the first journal to be internationally published online by English by Taylor & Francis (UK).

JIT is a peer-reviewed international journal, which is available free of charge and publishes high-quality scientific articles in the fields of information technology and telecommunications; and is released in four annual issues. Each issue features a minimum of six international scientific articles. The quality of the articles published in the Journal is the same as those published within the SCOPUS Catalog. TDTU is the sole founder, owner and sponsor of the magazine. JIT aims to be listed on the ISI and SCOPUS journal lists within three to five years of the first issue. Thus, the birth of JIT is a milestone in TDTU's scientific and technological activities.

On the same day, TDTU also inaugurated its High Performance Computing (HPC) initiative. Investment in high performance computing is as part of the plan to build a TDTU Computing Center at TDTU. The University’s Computing System is a university-wide system that specializes in digitization (or infomatization), which is responsible for various functions including the archiving of critical university information; high performance computing operations; solving multiple complex computational problems in university management and administration; connecting the integrated information systems and resources of the university; improving the efficiency of resource exploitation; as well as administrating and securing its information-related security resources. The total investment earmarked for the HPC system is $2 million, to be deployed in 3 phases.

Taylor & Francis Publishing is one of the world's leading publishers, specializing in books, journals, social sciences, engineering sciences and other journals specializing in all fields of science. With over two centuries of experience, Taylor & Francis provides users with high quality information and knowledge which they  can apply effectively to their daily work, research and training in addition to contributing to the development of the fieldsof science and technology. Taylor & Francis clients include researchers, students, lecturers and senior professionals worldwide.

Some images of the inauguration

The inauguration ceremony


Prof. Le Vinh Danh, the President of TDTU, delivers a speech about the importance
of publishing JIT and the High Performance Computing initiative


Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Editor-in-Chief of JIT presents the guidelines,
objectives and plans of the Journal


Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thoi Trung, the Vice President of TDTU, introduces the HPC System


Website Interface of the Journal of Information and Telecommunications


Inauguration of the High Performance Computing Center at TDTU


Ton Duc Thang university
Launching the Journal of Information & Telecommunications &
Inaugurating the High Performance Computing initiative