

VietNamNet Newspaper: Closing of AUN-QA IC Conference: new orientation for ASEAN higher education development

The 2024 AUN-QA International Conference officially closed on the afternoon of December 12, 2024 at Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City.

The theme of the 2024 AUN-QA International Conference emphasized the application of artificial intelligence in the innovation of higher education in Southeast Asia, with the aim of providing educational administrators in the region with the opportunity to have a critical and constructive dialogue to face the rapid development of technology and digitalization in the field of higher education. The information shared by the Conference will not only be shared within the Southeast Asian university network but also spread to other educational institutions around the world. The event attracted the participation of more than 400 delegates from 153 universities, educational institutions and management agencies in the ASEAN region and international partners.

Speaking at the conference, Dr. Tran Trong Dao - President of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) affirmed: “This year's conference has created an important step forward, not only in improving the quality of ASEAN higher education, but also building a solid foundation for future regional cooperation. Hosting the AUN-QA 2024 conference is a valuable opportunity for Ton Duc Thang University to contribute to the overall development of ASEAN higher education. The results achieved from the conference will be a solid foundation for long-term cooperation between universities in the region.”

Dr. Tran Trong Dao - President of TDTU delivered the opening speech at the Conference

Previously, authorized by the Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam, Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Chuong - Director of the Department of Quality Management, commented that the AUN-QA Conference 2024 is a very special event for the ASEAN higher education community and highly appreciated Ton Duc Thang University being honored to be chosen to host this year. The careful organization of the Conference is a meaningful message about Vietnam's openness and spirit of cooperation in the ASEAN community, demonstrating the hospitality and spirit of close cooperation between domestic universities and other universities in the ASEAN region.

Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Chuong - Director of the Department of Quality Management, Ministry of Education and Training spoke at the Conference

The International Conference of the Southeast Asian University Quality Assurance Network at Ton Duc Thang University has concluded. This is one of the important events in the development strategy of the University, promoting international integration, aiming to train global citizens as well as realizing the goal of developing Ton Duc Thang University into an international-class research university.

Speakers presenting at the discussion sessions during the Conference
TDTU leaders took photos with speakers who presented at the Conference

This event marks a new step forward in the deep integration of Vietnamese education and training into the regional and international higher education quality assurance network, when the conference was held for the first time at Ton Duc Thang University after 6 conferences held in 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. At the same time, it continues to affirm Ton Duc Thang University as a leading school in quality assessment according to international standards.

More than 400 delegates from 153 ASEAN and international educational institutions attended the AUN-QA IC Conference 2024

Source: VietNamNet Newspaper