Tuoi Tre Newspaper: Ton Duc Thang University Develops Strong Research Groups
In recent years, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) has achieved impressive accomplishments in scientific research. These achievements have not only enhanced the University’s reputation but also contributed to the advancement of science and technology while providing high-quality human resources for society.

Continuing to promote and strongly invest in scientific research activities, on 28 February, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held a ceremony to announce the establishment of five strong research groups:
- Analytical and Algebraic Methods in Optimization Research Group - AAMO, leader: Prof. Dr. Phan Quoc Khanh
- Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures - MAMS, leader: Prof. Dr. Pham Duc Chinh
- Laboratory of Biophysics - BP, leader: Dr. Ngo Son Tung
- Advanced Intelligent Technology Research Group - AITECH, leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Nhat Tan
- Group of Applied Research in Advanced Materials for Sustainable Development - FASAM, leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Thi Tuong Chau
The University stated that this is an important step in implementing its Fourth Five-Year Development Plan (2025 - 2030).

Speaking at the announcement ceremony, Dr. Tran Trong Dao, President of TDTU, emphasized: "The establishment of these strong research groups today not only marks a significant step forward in the University’s science and technology development strategy but also reaffirms our commitment to systematic and in-depth investment in building a solid research foundation, approaching international standards.
These research groups are not only a gathering place for outstanding lecturers and researchers within the University but also a hub connecting experts and scientists both domestically and internationally. The collaboration between the intellectual resources of our internal lecturers and international experts will create groundbreaking advancements in research, application, and technology transfer."

The strong research groups have been established with the goal of promoting innovation, research, and technology transfer, developing advanced technological solutions, and building a solid foundation for the University’s science and technology development.
These are interdisciplinary research groups, formed from 22 existing research teams and laboratories within the University with outstanding research capabilities. They are led by top scientists in advanced science and technology fields.

In 2024, TDTU introduced policies to attract and reward individuals with outstanding achievements in scientific publications and research collaborations. These policies include: rewards for individuals publishing WoS papers, Rank 1 and Exceptional Rank; rewards for researchers collaborating with renowned scientists worldwide; rewards for University staff pursuing PhD programmes domestically and internationally who publish papers acknowledging TDTU as their affiliated institution …