The Party Committee of TDTU Organized the Midterm Performance Evaluation Conference for the Term 2020 - 2025 and Preliminary Evaluation of the First 6 Months of 2023
On July 11, 2023, the Party Committee of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held a conference to evaluate the mid-term implementation of the Resolution of the 3rd Party Congress of the University, term 2020-2025; preliminary evaluation of the first 6 months and orientations and key tasks for the last 6 months of 2023.
Attending the Conference, there was the presence of Comrade Nguyen Thi La - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Universities and Colleges; Comrade Dang Thuy Khanh Van - Member of the Executive Committee, Head of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Universities and Colleges; Dr. Tran Thi Kim Ninh - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Ho Chi Minh Thought, the Academy of Politics Region II.
On the side of TDTU, there was the participation of Dr. Vu Anh Duc - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the University Council; Dr. Tran Trong Dao - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the University; Assoc. Prof. Pham Thi Minh Ly - Member of the Standing Committee, Chairman of the Party Committee's Inspection Commission; Dr. Vo Hoang Duy - Member of the Executive Committee, Vice President and all members of the Party Committee of the University at the Conference.
To open the Conference, Assoc. Prof. Pham Thi Minh Ly reported, evaluated and clarified the results of directing and organizing the implementation of the Resolution of the 3rd Party Congress of the University, term 2020 - 2025 and the Action Plan to implement the Resolution of the Congress from the beginning of the term up to now; promptly give solutions to ensure the achievement of the targets and tasks set out by the Party Congress of the University until the end of the term. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the University’s Party Committee in the first 6 months of the year and set out directions and key tasks in the last 6 months of 2023.
Speaking at the Conference, Comrade Nguyen Thi La acknowledged the efforts of the University's Party Committee to well perform political tasks; at the same time, gave suggestions on the desired direction of the University's collective to continue to unite and unify to implement the sustainable development strategy of TDTU.
On this occasion, the Party Committee of the University organized the announcement and commendation for 22 Party members who well performed the task "Study and follow Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style in 2022-2023 ".
Also at the Conference, Dr. Tran Thi Kim Ninh gave a thematic report with the content "Study and follow Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style on promoting Vietnamese cultural and human values in Ho Chi Minh City".