

Installing Disinfection Robots of Ton Duc Thang University into operation in isolation areas

On April 13, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) transferred CD 1.0 disinfection robot (Covid Defender 1.0) to the Isolation Center for prevention and control of acute respiratory infections, caused by Corona Virus, to the dormitory of the Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City for use.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Nham, the Deputy Director of the Center received the robot. TDTU experts also transferred the entire operation technology so that the robot can be immediately deployed and perform disinfection tasks in the isolation area in replacement of the medical staff.

The use of the disinfection robot in isolation areas will minimize potential risks that health workers may face while they are on duty.

This is one of two copyrighted disinfection robots which are researched and manufactured by the Robotics research team of TDTU. They were first launched on April 5, 2020. These two robots use different disinfectant technologies. While Robot CD 1.0 (Covid Defender 1.0) can operate in water-resistant areas and carry out disinfection tasks by spraying liquid chemicals, Robot DR 1.0 (Disinfection Robot 1.0) cannot as it functions in places such as office areas, railway stations, crowded places, etc., and employs ultraviolet ray disinfection technology.

In light of the fight against the pandemic, TDTU’s research team took prompt action and sought ideas to alleviate the condition of medical staff. As you know, when they are directly disinfecting hospitals and isolation areas despite wearing protective clothing, there is a high risk of infection and health damages. After several discussions, research, designs and tests, the team successfully produced disinfection robots for the purpose of replacing humans and reducing risks for medical staff in isolation areas or hospitals. The products have been highly appreciated by the community for its practicality, especially at the time when it is needed most of the whole society.

The robots with STM34F4 microcontroller, powerful configuration and outstanding features can be controlled remotely at a maximum distance of 2,000m. Its body is equipped with a smartphone which allows observation and control via video calls.

Its arms are nozzles that can move up and down, to the left, and the right. In addition, the two sides of the robot are also equipped with two nozzles, so during the move, the robot can spray drugs simultaneously. The distance of the spray is about 1m at the front, and 2m to the upper side, so the robot only moves once but completely disinfecting various areas such as the lobby, corridor and rooms in the isolation centers and hospitals.

TDTU experts also transferred all operational technology of the robot to conduct disinfection tasks in the isolation area.

With the ability to move flexibly using two independent drives and compact dimensions, the robot can work in tight spaces. The use of two solid (tubeless) rubber wheels helps the robot move easily on slippery and rugged surfaces. It can load about 170kg, work continuously in about 6 hours, run at the maximum speed of 15km/h. Therefore, this robot can be developed into other types of robots with different features such as carrying medicine and food to patients, and rescue people.

The robot is put into use at the isolation area of the National University Dormitory of Ho Chi Minh City in order to support the medical staff and doctors to prevent and control the infection of COVID-19.

Once the pandemic is under control, the robots will be developed to carry other tasks. It will have more functions for instance, rescuing people in dangerous and risky environments and conditions that are inaccessible to people.