International Conference on Vietnamese Studies 2018
The International Conference on Vietnamese Studies: ICVS 2018 took place solemnly on the morning of December 22nd, 2018 at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU). ICVS 2018 is co-organized by TDTU, Australian National University, Asia-Pacific Ritsumeikan University, Kanda University of Foreign Languages (Japan); California State University, Seattle University (USA) and Srinakharinwirot University (Thailand).
With the theme "Globalization and its impact on teaching and learning Vietnamese", the Conference provides an opportunity for Vietnamese and foreign scientists to meet and exchange experiences on theoretical and practical issues in the field of Vietnamese language research and teaching. Under the pressure of globalization, the need to learn Vietnamese is an important need to help Vietnamese Culture to be presented in the common home of the world; therefore, perfecting the method of teaching and learning and the strategy to develop teaching and learning Vietnamese language to suit the new situation is now very important.
More than 30 scientists from 6 countries attended this Conference. The proceedings of the Conference will be published by Elsevier’s Procedia.
Some photos of ICVS 2018: