The bridges of the future
On July 7, 2018, another bridge connecting Zone 2 with Zone 3 was completed. From now on there is no more geographic distance between Zone 2 and Zone 3. The university has already had all three bridges.
Standing in the A-C hall and looking at Road no. 5, the viewers will see two bridges linking all three zones of the TDTU. Now, when looking at the end of the road no.5, we can feel that it is out of our sight because we are almost impossible to see it. From now to the end of 2018, the infrastructure of Zone 3 will be completed and at that time, the Road No. 5 became the backbone of a whale swimming in the direction of sunrise and the ocean.
If looking at the perspective of the TDTU (with all three zones), viewers easily see the shape of the university including the buildings, which looks like a whale with the head of Monument of President Ton Duc Thang. At night, the bridges are brighter with electric lights and the cranes reaching to heaven as the TDTU has pulled itself up to become a giant guy during the past decade.
When looking at the bridge D10 from the road no.11, many people would hardly imagine that this is the bridge inside a university because of its shimmering, fanciful and splendid scene. Let’s look at the picture below:
However, there is another bridge that is more beautiful than that, this is the bridge in the waiting time for being named. Some TDTU staff called it VFIS Bridge (or Vietnam-Finland International School Bridge). Here are the pictures of VFIS Bridge at night:
Bridge is the space connection. For TDTU, bridge is also the connection between present and future. Someday soon, the Zone 3 will be extremely busy with VFIS, with the Science Park, Technology Park, the Center for Hospitality practice and events. These bridges will connect students to the canoe station to go from Ong Lon River to Bach Dang Ferry or Ben Thanh Market. Although the future of the TDTU has appeared clearly and sharply from its present development, it must be greater in the reality. With the enthusiasm, the spirit of devotion, the creativity and the effort to work tirelessly for the community of the TDTU lecturers and students, the future of the TDTU is not limited as the vision from the A-C Hall to Zone 3.
The 4th bridge connecting the under-construction dormitory with Zone 3 will be the art bridge. Currently, the lecturers and students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering are organizing a competition to collect ideas for designing. This bridge will be assigned to this Faculty to design and construct, so that the Faculty can have the opportunity to make their remarkable contribution to the community. Now, we would like to invite TDTU lecturers, staff and students to give their ideas of naming the three existing bridges because the names we are using like D10 or D5 are only meaningful in planning. Therefore, with the names for these internal bridges in the university, we need to think more carefully.
Any suggested names for the three bridges from Zone 1 to Zone 3 (temporarily called D5, D 10, or VFIS), please send them to Department for Computing and Computer services via email: from now until July 30, 2018. TDTU community would like to send our sincere thanks to everyone.