

Ton Duc Thang University’s Students learn start-up with industry and agriculture 4.0

On the morning of October 4, 2018, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held the October 2018 public lecture program with the theme of "Industry, Agriculture 4.0 Start-up" by speaker Dr. Nguyen Thanh My, President of My Lan Group. The program attracted the attention of many lecturers, guests and more than 1,000 TDTU students.
With the style of folk, his presentation was exciting, Dr. Nguyen Thanh My shared with the audience about the choice of each individual; distinguish between start-ups and business, the fundamentals for successful start-ups and start-up ideas in the era of 4.0 industrial and agriculture.

The story of his career is closely related, as it is about everything he did: start up again at the age of 60, right here in Vietnam, in the Tra Vinh homeland. The inspiration for starting a business is evocative: every day on the way to work, school or leisure time, let look around and find out what is not perfect; then think of how to do it with a clear mind toward the community, you will find the idea of starting a business.

High-tech agriculture, or agriculture 4.0, is essentially the application of industrial 4.0 to agricultural production and management. Dr. Nguyen Thanh My's start-up product helped people get closer to reality with the achievements of the industrial revolution 4.0, improving labor productivity, increasing quality and safety of agricultural products; and especially, to eradicate the inherent difficulties of farmers for so many years.

Being a scientist, he turned to be a businessman and got along with the farmers by his 4.0 startup farming projects, identifying himself as a FarmSciNeur (Farmer - Scientist – Entrepreneur). Besides high technology projects and agriculture, Dr. Nguyen Thanh My is also a contributor to the development of higher education in Vietnam. He is the founder and Vice President of the Vietnam-Canada Education Network; the Co-op program that he built with Tra Vinh University is a joint training program between university and business, creating opportunities to work in a company that earns salaries for students from the first year to the fourth year.

Here are some photos of the program:


Dr.Nguyễn Thanh Mỹ presenting the “Industry, Agriculture 4.0 Start-up”



Lecturers and students exchanging their opinion


Dr. Võ Hoàng Duy, Vice President of TDTU presenting the flowers and souvenir to Dr. Nguyen Thanh My


The speaker takes photo with TDTU’s lecturers and students