TDTU’s Journal of Information and Telecommunication (JIT) achieved an IF index of 2.7 and entered the Q2 group
According to a report cited from Clarivate’s Journal Citation Reports (JCR) in 2023, the Journal of Information and Telecommunication (JIT) of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) has been listed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) with an Impact Factor (IF) index of 2.7.
In addition, in 2022, SCIMago ranked 4 main categories of JIT, including: Computer Networks and Communications, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering to the Q2 group and Computer Science Applications to the Q3 group. In addition, according to Scopus, JIT has a Cite Score as of June 7, 2023 of 5.4.
The IF or Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of a scientific journal is the average frequency of citations received from articles published in the last two years in that journal. This index from Clarivate provides detailed analysis from more than 7,000 Science Citation Index Expanded journals, 1,300 Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) journals and more than 7,600 ESCI journals from many leading publishers worldwide.
Prof. DSc. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh - Editor-in-Chief of JIT is huge is known as a leading scientist in the world and is the chairman of more than 20 international scientific conferences on global information technology/artificial intelligence. Although he is always busy with research and teaching abroad, he still takes the time to develop TDTU’s JIT into a prestigious and high-quality scientific journal now and in the future.
JIT was born in March 2017, published by Taylor & Francis Publisher (UK). This is one of two English-language scientific journals of TDTU. Up to now, JIT has published 7 volumes, published quality scientific articles from many domestic and foreign researchers. JIT is a peer reviewed journal, published online and freely accessible worldwide.