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TDTU activity

Ton Duc Thang University was ranked 73rd in Asia according to THE Asia University Rankings 2022
Ton Duc Thang University first appeared in this ranking and was ranked at 73rd, the highest among the 5 ranked Vietnamese universities.
The Trade Union of Ton Duc Thang University in response to the tree-planting program
On the afternoon of May 11, 2022, the Trade Union of Ton Duc Thang University organized a tree-planting activity.
Opening ceremony of Ton Duc Thang University Open Volleyball Tournament 2022 – the 4th TDT CUP
On the morning of May 8, 2022, the 4th Ton Duc Thang University Open Volleyball Tournament 2022 was officially opened.
Ton Duc Thang University Job Fair 2022
On May 6, 2022, at Ton Duc Thang University, TDTU Job Fair 2022 was officially opened.
The Final Round of the Music Contest “Breaking Passion Season 2: Let the Melody Lead the Way”
The final round of the music contest named Breaking Passion Season 2 took place successfully, attracting a large number of students to attend.
A visit to Ton Duc Thang University of the Ministry of Education and Training
On April 12, 2022, the delegation of the Ministry of Education and Training worked with Ton Duc Thang University - Khanh Hoa campus.
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