QS Asia University Rankings 2019

The QS World University Rankings – (UK) has announced the results of the QS Asia University Ranking in 2019. Of the 498 Asian universities ranked, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) is ranked 291 -300.

The QS 2019 ranking criteria include: international lecturers (International Faculty), the number of average citations per paper (Citations per Paper), the number of international exchange students arriving (Inbound Exchange), the number of international exchange students departing (Outbound exchange); International Research Network; and the community's assessment of the university. Scores of QS for TDTU are shown in the table below

TDTU’s scores on QS’s Asia University Rankings 2019 


Vietnam has seven universities ranked by the QS in the TOP 500 universities in Asia in 2019: Vietnam National University, Hanoi; Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City; Hanoi University of Science and Technology; Ton Duc Thang University, Can Tho University, University of Da Nang and Hue University (see the following table).


TDTU’s ranking number on QS’s Asia University Rankings 2019


Among the criteria for the QS ranking, the community's assessment criteria for a university (reputation) covers the highest score. In total, this score accounts for 50% of the results. This part of the ranking continues to be controversial because it promotes the long-established, well-known universities (despite of lower quality of science-technology, education, or internationalization) which are still likely to be ranked very high, while the young, newly established in spite of being successful in the aforementioned criteria still do not reach the required weighting because of smaller recognition. This criterion also encourages universities to follow the path of promoting, and exchanging relations and information in order to get high reputation score, although their quality of education and training, science-technology, and other achievements remains low or even very low.
The controversy has been more and more overwhelmed by the fact that the indicators that QS chose to assess for the reputation are not published by QS. Especially, criteria on which it is based on, which scientific basis experts for evaluation are selected on, and whether the people selected for the assessment are knowledgeable about the university they are evaluating. This continues to be QS's lack of transparency which may lead to a lack of trust among the universities community for this organization's rankings■