Post-graduate program 4+1: The path to your dream
I spent the happiest 4 years of my youth at the University named after Uncle Ton, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU). The university has inspired so many generations of students with a fire of passion. For me, four years is not too long, but enough to save the beautiful memories of the student days - the memories that bring an unusually warm feeling. The university offers the best facilities in the country, high-quality teaching, and dedicated teaching staff; but above all, is always understanding of what students need, committed to start-up students; and gives wings to dreams.
Recalling the first days entering the university, I felt like a fish out of water with so many questions in my head "Will I succeed in studying?", "Will I be able to get a stable job?", “Will I enjoy an appropriate learning environment if I wish to take up the post-graduate program?” When I started my final year in university, I had the desire to continue my studies, but was confused about what decisions to make because of the worries about tuition fees and long study duration. Understanding the wishes of the seniors like me, the University has developed the Post-graduate preparation program 4+1. This is a shortcut for us to achieve our dream of obtaining a Master's Degree quickly and effectively in terms of time and finance.
Currently, I am a senior student of the University and have been studying the Post-graduate preparation program 4+1 for one year. I would really love to share my feelings after a year of study and hope that the students of the University can consider my sharing to make up your mind to join the program with no more hesitations!
First of all, when following this program, you will receive the support from the University through scholarships depending on the learning capacity of each person. If you have good academic performance, you will receive 30% to 50% discount of tuition fees. Next, you will receive the enthusiastic support from your Faculty. The Faculty always creates advantageous conditions for you to enroll and study, and they will willingly clear up all your queries as you desire. Not only that, the support also comes from the direct classroom lecturers. Once you are a 4 + 1 student, you will be followed closely and instructed carefully by the lecturers so that you can catch up with other senior students; and will be well-equipped with a solid foundation before taking on new knowledge. So you don’t have to worry about whether you will be able to finish the program.
Secondly, you will be taught and given the knowledge that you were not taught as an undergraduate. In addition to advanced specialized knowledge of prestigious universities around the world, you will also learn soft skills, logical thinking and issue evaluation as well as effective problem solving skills. In here, you will also learn how to search for scientific documents for graduation thesis, reading comprehension and how to present a scientific article. You can enhance your presentation ability through running a classroom workshop, or learn the techniques to answer difficult questions during presentations, ect. Such soft knowledge will be very helpful for you in your senior year!
The last thing, also something that I really highly appreciate from 4 + 1 program, is the contact with the senior students. When you join the program, you will be studying with senior students at all ages working in different domains and doing different jobs in your field. From there you will figure out your future job better. They are also willing to teach you experience, support you through what they know from practice, give you advice and ideas for reference. Such practical knowledge and experience will help you complete your current study and draw clear orientations for your future job.
Those are my impressions as well as my experiences after 1 year under this program. If you are interested in the program, please visit the University’s website or the Department of Graduate Studies for specific information.
“Believe in yourself. You can do much more than you think you can.” (Duong Cong Thinh, 4+1 student, Faculty of Environment and Labor Safety)