

International Women’s Day (8/3/2018) at Ton Duc Thang University

On the afternoon of March 8th, 2018, the Union of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) organized a “Family Meal” competition with the participation of 27 trade union groups, 81 female trade union members and the cheer of nearly 1,000 other union members in the University.

Participating in the competition, each trade union group prepared a family meal for 6 to 10 members. The marking criteria are based on presentation, cost, food safety, age appropriateness, and preparation time. The judges selected 8 tables of the following groups for awards:

  • Special Prize:  The Trade Union group of the Department of Facility Management and Project Management;
  • First Prize:       The Trade Union of the Faculty of Business Administration;
  • Second Prize: The Trade Union group of the Faculty of Sport Science, Center for National Defense Education and Department of Finance;
  • Third Prize:    
    • The Trade Union group of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities;
    • The Trade Union group of the Creative Language Center;
    • The Trade Union group of the Faculty of Finance & Banking and Demasted;
    • The Trade Union group of the Faculty of Mathematics & Statistics.
    • The Trade Union group of the Office of Student Affairs, the Dormitory and the Center for Enterprise Cooperation and Alumni.

At the end of the competition, all participants joined the buffet with all dishes from the contestants, and some musical performances from the TDTU trade union members, which have made a warm and full of love on the International Women's Day. This event not only brings special feelings to female lecturers and staff; but also shows the concrete and practical care of TDTU trade union for female union members on such a meaningful day (the 8th of March).

Some photos of the competition:

MA. Nguyen Quoc Bao, Vice president of the TDTU Union delivering opening speech




Male lecturers performing skillful techniques on this special day …


…and many dishes with beautiful and meaningful layout, and creativity.




Trade union members of each group presenting the meaning of their dishes to the Judges






The Trade union groups receiving their awards in joyfulness …








… but the biggest happiness during the Women’s Day at TDTU was that the male lecturers have shown their care to the female lecturers in a dedicated and enthusiastic way


Clip: Good wishes to TDTU female lecturers and students