Early-blooming cherry blossoms
It is not important that people wonder whether it is due to the intercalary year or climate change, the only important thing is known that the cherry blossoms of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) Bao Loc Campus began to bloom. The wanderer this afternoon was so surprised at seeing the cherry blossoms sprinkling with its color among the green shoots all over the statue of President Ton Duc Thang. Perhaps it is because the flower season should not have come; it is likely that many people expected that cherry trees would have flowers in the last month of the lunar year; yet the cherry blossoms of TDTU-Bao Loc this afternoon brought back lots of sudden emotion.
It is still half a month before Christmas, but it was cold here at 4pm. In the dusky light of the sunset melonchaly and windless, the cherry blossoms of TDTU-Bao Loc look proud but lonely. That would be unusual; or that is its own wonderfulness which no one else has; or that is because the real beauty not known to enjoy and to cherish ... by many people made its loneliness and pride. Whether they are white, pale, pink or red cherry blossoms, no one can be mistaken in recognising them among dozens of flowers and grass around the TDTU-Bao Loc monument. Isn’t it because said by Xuan Dieu: “Aglaia cannot be Cholorantus”?
Some people think quickly with a little bit pity that: "It is possible that there will be no longer cherry blossom on Tet holiday at TDTU-Bao Loc! " But why? Why do you have to wait for cherry blossoms to bloom on Tet! Is the Tet holiday the only time for people to enjoy cherry blossoms rather than other days of the year? Or is it only the Lunar New Year holiday people have more time to enjoy cherry blossoms than the other days because of earning their living? It depends on the love and expectation of each person on cherry blossoms, but I am happy that only one-third of the cherry blossom hill of TDTU-Bao Loc is blooming; The two-thirds of them are in cherishing the sap on buds. Thus, people who love and want the flowers to flourish on the occasion of Tet holiday should be full of hope; and maybe the flowers of the wait in hope will be more beautiful than my cherry blossoms this afternoon!
Although after a full-on sunny day with the harsh light some blossoms were tired out and wilted, many are still strong, fresh and proud till the end of the day.Who said that "beautiful flower is easily fragile"?