Ton Duc Thang University Organizes the Second Training Session on Party Work in 2024

On June 18, 2024, Ton Duc Thang University Party Committee organized a training session on Party work in 2024.

The subjects of this training are the Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, and Party Committee members of the Party cells under Ton Duc Thang University Party Committee for the term 2022 - 2025.

The presenter of the training session was Mr. Duong Quang Chi - Chief of the Office of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City University and College.

At the training session, attendees were equipped with knowledge and skills in Party building work, presenting the Party’s documents, clerical and archival work, and Party financial work at Party cells.

This second training session in 2024 of the University’s Party Committee has actively contributed and encouraged the members of 18 Party cells under the University’s Party Committee to be determined to successfully complete political tasks for the term 2022 - 2025. At the same time, the knowledge and skills gained from this training session will be important for the Party Committee members of the Party cells in preparing for the Party Congress for the term 2025 - 2027.

Mr. Duong Quang Chi - Chief of the Office of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City University and College presenting at the training session
Overview of the training session