Scientific Seminar: University autonomy in the integration period
On November 15th, 2019, Oriental Research Development Institute (ORDI), Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges (AVU&C), in collaboration with Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU), organized a scientific seminar titled: University autonomy in the integration period.
More than 50 scientists, experts, professors, and managers from educational and training institutions, and educational management agencies nationwide attended and delivered presentations at the seminar.
Over 30 papers were submitted and presented at the Seminar on such issues as modeling and the trends in university autonomy around the world, the obstacles to university autonomy today, matters that need to be thoroughly addressed for university autonomy in Vietnam to move forward in line with the Party's policy, and the spirit of the Law 34. Some discussions were about the role and organization of the University Board, the interference of the governing agency and the need to implement policies that would remove this kind of interference in order to help universities gain genuine autonomy.
At the end of the seminar, the core issues of university autonomy were clarified and reiterated: to seek the most effective approach exercising autonomy to ensure the ultimate goal- the improvement of quality in the higher education and social justice. The common voice for the urgent need of university autonomy in Vietnam has been raised by those who have devoted their whole life to the education sector.
Some photos of the Seminar