

The new scientific result of Ton Duc Thang University in the subject-exceptional Journal of Marketing

Ton Duc ThangUniversity (TDTU) is proud to introduce a new research result entitled “The effect of authenticity perceptions and brand equity on brand choice intention”. This study was published in the well-known Journal of Business Research, available online 25 January 2019, pp 1886-1915 (ISSN: 0148-2963), Elsevier BV Publisher. Journal of Business Research is an ISI journal, with an Impact Factor (IF) of 4.028 according to Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, USA) and an H-index of 158 according to SJR (Spain). According to the ranking system for international publications of TDTU, Journal of Business Research is ranked as an “exceptional journal” in the subject area and category of “Marketing” by SJR.

This article uses a prevailing analytical method in the electrical field, fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), but is now being applied as a new research application in the field of social science. The research model is based on research by leading scholars like Lu et al. [2015] and Huarng [2016] to affirm the factors influencing customers' intention to choose brands. This research has shed light on the need to implement appropriate strategies to achieve the goal of maintaining brand development for managers.

A snapshot of the journal ranking for Journal of Business Research

The main author of this article is Dr. Pham Thi Minh Ly from the Faculty of Business Administration at TDTU. This publication is the result of a long-term and very elaborate study because the research published in the Journal of Business Research has to meet a very high standard of novelty and innovation in the scientific field. This article was presented at the GIKA conference (Global Innovation & Knowledge Academy) and won an outstanding award.

A photo of the article in Journal of Business Research