The nightfall at Ton Duc Thang University
The small clock icon at the right corner of the computer screen is not enough to attract attention of anyone, and when I stood up and walked out the door, the sky was dark a long time ago. Decided to take a tour around Tan Phong Campus, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU), I suddenly found out that this was an interesting experience that I had accidentally overlooked for a long time.
At night, Zone 1 is like an ancient citadel. From a distance, Building A is firm and magnanimous, as proof of the impartial justice. The majestic Uncle Ton monument and decorative lights highlight the contours forming on every row of trees and grass. Different from the bustling atmosphere of the day time, the quiet and exquisite library with its distinctive shape is not mixed. Standing in the hall of the International Building, the symbol of the nations in the world reminds the audience of immense liveliness, and somewhere right now in the world, the sun is still shining and people are still in a hurry in the life which is constantly shifting. The fossil wood and the statues here and there make me think of the immortality and timelessness.

At night, Zone 2 is like a small city. Two channels are colorful on the coming days of the Lunar New Year. The dormitory lights up. Resident students still work out on the training ground. Students of some late classes take their bikes out of the parking lot. The stadium and gymnasium light up for activities of teams and clubs etc. The bridges are a special highlight of this "city". At night, the fanciful sparkle cannot make the spectator's lens indifferent.

At night, Zone 3 of TDTU is a huge construction site. The sound from machines, floodlights on the dormitory buildings and the Center for National Defense and Security education are about to be completed. VFIS school has formed a great turtle, sprinting for the interior to prepare for the opening day in early 2019.

I suddenly found myself small because of the greatness of TDTU; but it is also found as an indispensable part to form the appearance of this place. A cheerful smile responding to the greeting of polite students, lingering a little more to make the work rounder; or in a certain coffee chat, I am proud to tell my friends about the things I see in a university of European environment in the middle of Saigon. It is a contribution, isn’t it?