

Profound impressions on the INSPiRE library of Ton Duc Thang University

On the afternoon of October 25, 2018, in the agenda of Scientific Conference on Smart Library 4.0: Technology - Data - People, the INSPiRE library of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) has welcomed 65 delegates visiting, exchanging experience, and learning. The delegation included: leaders of the library sector; library associations in Vietnam, national information and library departments, domestic and foreign science and technology companies, and educational institutions in the sector of information and library.

The visitors were really impressed with the modern technology as well as the unique design of TDTU Library, the professionalism in the operation and management of the Library, the culture of politeness and discipline of students. This shows the high-class level of TDTU in education and science.

Mr. Nguyen Huu Gioi, President of the Vietnam Library Association, expressed: “guests from all over the country, ranging from the North, Central to the South, were thoroughly impressed and praised for a modern library model at TDTU with the message of being Inspirational Library. We visited all corners of the Library, including the 24/7 overnight study area, and we discovered that the ways to organize the facilities, to serve the users, to look up materials and activities, in general, are very modern and user-friendly. This library has reached the level of modernity as other libraries in advanced countries in the region and Asia. I hope TDTU Library will inspire many other libraries in Vietnam, to jointly develop university libraries in Vietnam.”

Besides visiting, exchanging experience, and learning at the TDTU Library, the delegates would like to continue to receive support and professional advice as well as opportunities for cooperation not only in the field of library particularly but also in education and science and technology generally with TDTU in the future.

Some pictures of the visitation:

Library staff introduces traditional rooms


Visitors observe multifunction printer system;


Visitors observe automatic book borrowing/returning system and Book washing machine


Ms. Truong Thi Ngoc Mai, Director of TDTU Library, exchange ideas with guests about management experience



Mr. Nguyen Huu Gioi, President of Vietnam Library Association, expresses his feelings about TDTU Library