

An alike American University in Vietnam

This is Ms. Quynh Huong’s first impression of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU). She is the co-founder of ALU Academy). On the occasion of visiting and working with TDTU Faculty of Business Administration, Ms. Quynh Huong expressed her impression of TDTU.

The university is located on a busy road, but along this road, there is a trellis that is full of red and blooming flowers called bougainvillea which always attracts the attention of any passer-by. This is the place leading to a dream school of many young people preparing to become new students in this university with 5-star standard facilities, a proper gymnasium, a beautiful library with thousands of book titles that are copyrighted. It is a completely different learning environment for young people to be proud of when saying "I am a student at Ton Duc Thang University!"

Covering the campus is little romantic green grass with the careful cares and the "road of love"; the image of the female students wearing pink Aodai, sitting on the swing and chatting in the sound of a piano played by male students. These images always make any visitors to the school exclaim: "What a fantastic school"!
There are many fantastic things in this school! It is impressive to see the students lining up in two rows before entering the elevator and there is absolutely no jostling, pushing, scrambling. Everyone waits patiently for their turn and yields to each other happily. The truth is that good habits are made from the things that people don’t think are important. I also realized that keeping up the good acts through ethics lessons and learning constant virtues including kindness, decorum, uprightness through extra-curricular lessons so that the “ethical behavior first” is always the priority and right thing to do in young people’s mind and the pride of the school when referring to students.

With the motto "Teachers are the students’ motivators", all the first year students must study the subject that is unique in Vietnam and only at TDTU, that is "Learning method in university education". This subject aims to help students study the learning methods, not to be confused, not to be like a fish out of water in the new environment as well as understand their field of study and visualize their future after graduation. The standard output for students’ foreign language must be at least TOEIC 500 or IELTS score of 5.0, so that the graduates will get good jobs as well as receive the praise from enterprises and the "read and write" will be the pride of young people when they are living in the harmonization of East-West culture that few universities can have.

TÔN tạo đặc trưng con người Việt - ĐỨC năng THẮNG số trời” (Embellishing the Vietnamese features – Righteousness goes beyond luck. - This will forever be the pride of one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam.

Quỳnh Hương
Founder of ALU Academy,
Director of the Vietnam Disability Research & Capacity Development


I still cannot forget the image of wheelchair roadside for disabled people in each place in the school as well as special incentives for the community, which made me feel proud of TDTU despite not studying here. Maybe in the next year, I will study postgraduate program at Ton Duc Thang University because of its great learning environment!

Ms. Quynh Huong and her colleagues are taking photo at Ton Duc Thang University