Ton Duc Thang University students talked about “career path”

On the morning of November 11th, 2017, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) with the support of Coca-Cola Vietnam successfully organized “the career path” with the participation of William A.Velez, Deputy Director of Training and International Recruitment, Chemeketa University (The U.S.A); Mr. Nguyen Minh Tam, Head of Corporate Development at Coca-Cola Vietnam and Mr. Nguyen Hoang Khang, Chief Marketing Officer of Coca-Cola Vietnam, Alumni of Faculty of Business Administration at TDTU.

As experienced employees and leaders in different multinational enterprises, those speakers have brought a number of good lessons for TDTU students about the objectives, methods of learning, the skills needed to make a good impression on the employers as well as how to adapt to the diversity of corporate culture today, especially in the international working environment in multinational corporations. Students, especially TDTU students need to love their own major and have a passion for learning; so that they can devote time and energy, and be motivated to learn their majors, to be good at foreign languages and to do more than just talk; once they know how to live, study and work with desire, they will soon achieve the results they want.

TDTU students have made changes in their career orientation and learning attitudes as a result of such a talk about career path.

Images of the seminar

Many students of TDTU participate in the exchanges on "career path"


Formerly a TDTU student, Mr. Nguyễn Hoàng Khang enthusiastically gives students advice of how to become leaders in multinational corporations


Mr. Nguyễn Minh Tâm calls the spirit of "good talk, good work" in TDTU students


Mr. William A.Velez encourages students to improve their communication skills to impress their employers


Students discuss and clarify the contents of the seminar


Guests of the seminar receive souvenirs from Ton Duc Thang University