

Professor Le Khanh Chau at the Institute for Advanced Study in Technology (TDTU) was elected to the Editorial Board of the international journal “Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids”

Information from the Institute for Advanced Study in Technology at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) indicates that Prof. Dr. Hab. Le Khanh Chau, who currently serves as a Senior Researcher in the Division of Computational Mechanics of the Institute for Advanced Study in Technology at TDTU, has recently been elected as a member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids”. This is a specialized scientific journal listed in the Web of Science/Scopus database, which publishes articles in the fields of Mechanics and Mathematics, with an impact factor of 2.6.

Prof. Chau has previously held the position of Professor of Mechanics at Ruhr University Bochum and has been a visiting lecturer and co-director of the Master's program in Computational Engineering at Vietnamese-German University in Vietnam. Additionally, he has also served as a visiting professor at École Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) and Wayne State University (Detroit, USA). Since 2018, he has been an official professor and the head of the Materials Mechanics research group at Ton Duc Thang University. He has successfully supervised 11 doctoral students and 48 master’s students.

Prof. Chau has made outstanding contributions in various fields, including Mechanics, Engineering, Materials Science, Mathematics, and Physics. He has published a total of 96 papers in the Web of Science, with 1,269 citations. Additionally, Dr. Chau is the author of two books, namely “Giới thiệu về Cơ học vi mô (Introduction to Micromechanics)” and “Các phương pháp năng lượng trong động lực học (Energy Methods in Dynamics)”. Currently, Prof. Chau serves as an Associate Editor for the Vietnam Journal of Mechanics and a member of the Editorial Board of three international journals in mechanics (including the International Journal of Plasticity, Archive of Applied Mechanics, and Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids).

Prof. Dr. Hab. Le Khanh Chau, who currently serves as a Senior Researcher in the Division of Computational Mechanics of the Institute for Advanced Study in Technology at TDTU
Professor Le Khanh Chau (fourth from the left) and Dr. Tran Trong Dao, TDTU President (sixth from the left), along with experts in the fields of Mechanics, Engineering, Materials Science, Mathematics, and Asian Physics
Professor Le Khanh Chau at the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Smart Materials and Structures (ASMaS 2023)