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Ton Duc Thang University work with Ministry of Education and Sports, Lao PDR
They all expressed their will to cooperate with TDTU in the field of education, research as well as experience exchange of developing an autonomous university.
The Ceremony of Conferring the Ton Duc Thang University Scientific Prize 2019
The TDTU Prize was initiated by Ton Duc Thang University in 2016 and the first TDTU Prize was awarded in 2017.
A short study exchange program of La Trobe University students at Ton Duc Thang University
The program has left a long-lasting impression on La Trobe University students thanks to the openness and friendliness of...
The International Conference on Sport Science 2019: ICSS 2019
The conference is considered as a chance for connecting and exchanging experience among the scientists and ...
Implementing two stage education programs with La Trobe University
The education will be conducted by LTU professors and classes will be held at TDTU (Vietnam) and LTU (Australia). This is the effort of two universities to provide students with...
Universities of the Federal Republic of Germany visited and worked with Ton Duc Thang University
The parties exchanged views on science and technology cooperation programs, establishing an associate 2-degree...
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