Enterprises joining hands to support students during the pandemic
In addition to the university's student support policies and the meaningful sharing of lecturers and staff for students during the pandemic, many business partners of Ton Duc Thang University have also coordinated with the university to support many students experiencing difficulty.
The Center of Enterprise Cooperation and Alumni is the main unit to connect many enterprises to provide financial and food support for boarding students and students staying in Ho Chi Minh City. Since the beginning of the social distancing period, enterprises and sponsors have contributed to help students in the form of direct support or scholarships to overcome difficulties with a total amount of more than 200 million VND along with a large amount of food and necessities. Some typical enterprises are as follows:
- Hoa Sen Group Joint Stock Company donated 1 ton of rice, 170 boxes of instant noodles, 20 boxes of cakes and some other necessities.
- Bibica Joint Stock Company donated 500 BONAMI cakes.
- Acecook Vietnam Joint Stock Company supported 100 boxes of instant noodles.
- L.A Trading Services Co., Ltd. donated 70 boxes of instant noodles and vegetables.
- Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam Ltd., Co. donated 50 boxes of soft drinks of all kinds.
- Dang Phong Import-Export Trading Services Manufacturing Ltd., Co. directly supported 50 students with 500,000 VND each.
- Lec Group Joint Stock Company directly supported 20 students experiencing difficulty with 500,000 VND each.
- Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam - Ba Thang Hai Branch directly supported 20 needy students with 500,000 VND each.
- Lotte Scholarship Fund sponsored 5 scholarships worth of 400 USD for students overcoming difficulties to study well.
- Gemadept Corporation sponsored 10 scholarships for students (1.5 million VND/student/month).
- Many sponsors and alumni donated food bags including fish, shrimp, instant noodles, fruit, rice,... worth more than 30 million VND.
Although the pandemic has also significantly affected activities of enterprises as well as sponsors and alumni, sharing and supporting students in a timely manner during difficult times is always the priority. This is a noble activity, a source of spiritual motivation to help students overcome adversity.