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Ton Duc Thang University celebrated Vietnamese Teachers' Day
On the morning of November 19, 2021, Ton Duc Thang University celebrated the 39th anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers’ Day.
Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Finland visited Vietnam - Finland International School
Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Finland expressed his good impressions of VFIS.
Ton Duc Thang University ranked at 142nd in the QS Asia University Rankings
Ton Duc Thang Univerisity at 142nd, up 21 places compared to 2021 and has a high ranking among the ranked Vietnamese universities.
The 1st International Conference on Advanced Smart Materials and Structures 2021
On the morning of November 3, 2021, Ton Duc Thang University held the Opening Ceremony of ASMaS 2021.
The Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Rankings
Ton Duc Thang University is listed for the first time with the position 82 and has a high ranking among the ranked Vietnamese universities.
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