TDTU Students and the International Typography Exhibition

The International Typography Exhibition is the annual event held by The Type Directors Club (TDC) – a worldwide foundation established in 1946 aiming to find and support talented people in typographic arts. The Faculty of Industrial Fine Arts of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) was chosen to accompany Richard Moore Associates (the only representative of TDC at Vietnam) and the Goethe Institute to operate the International Typography Exhibition TDC 63 at Ho Chi Minh City. This event has attracted a large number of people working in following areas: advertising, marketing, multimedia, publishing and education.

Through 200 works in typographic arts and typeface design from 50 nations displayed, the exhibition’s messages are “connect the feelings by letter”, “letters can dance”, “voices of emotion and rhythm of soul can transfer humanity values”. The exhibition also highlighted the application of typo in various forms of media world including book cover, advertising banner, product packaging, etc.

The TDC 63 Exhibition is a creative playground for designers from all over the world as well as offers the opportunity for students and lecturers of the Faculty of Industrial Fine Arts, TDTU to experience and be greatly inspired.

Photos taken of TDTU students and lecturers at the TDC 63 Exhibition:

Students and lecturers were displaying the artworks in the installation stage…


… and informing visitors about the works shown in the showcase.


TDC 63 International Exhibition is a significant chance to meet others and stay inspired.


TDC New York sent the “thank you” message to TDTU via Instagram.