Celebration of 129th birthday of President Ton Duc Thang (20/08/1888-20/08/2017)

On the morning of 18 August, 2017, Ton Duc Thang University celebrated the 129th Anniversary of the birth of President Ton Duc Thang (20 August, 1888 – 20 August, 2017), with the participation of Presidential Board, professors, staff members, and students.

At the ceremony, professors, staff members, students together reviewed the great life and revolutionary cause of President Ton Duc Thang, offered him incense with respectful attitude, and expressed great honor working and studying at the university of his name. Together, they all promised to learn, improve teaching quality and professional skills for their personal achievement, while making contributions to the accomplishment of new goals of TDTU in the next 20 years.

Some images from the ceremony

President Ton Duc Thang's 129th birthday (20/08/1888 - 20/08/2017)


The performance " Giữa Mỹ Hòa Hưng thoảng hương sen xứ Nghệ" by the students of the school


Dr. Tran Trong Dao, vice-president of TDTU


Teachers, officials and students incense in front of monument President Ton Duc Thang