Ton Duc Thang University strives for 03 national strategic missions on green growth for sustainable development
Green Growth (GG) is the growth through savings and the efficient use of resources and energy to mitigate climate change and environmental damage; to create new growth motivation from research and development of non-polluting technology. In Vietnam, the GG program is concretized through the "National Strategy for GG in the period 2011-2020 and vision to 2050". This document outlines three strategic missions to be implemented in the 2011-2020 period. At Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU), all activities aim at sustainable development, some activities / programs implemented at TDTU to meet 03 key missions in the National Strategy for GG; as follows:
Strategic mission 01: Reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas emission and promote the use of clean energy and renewable energy. TDTU has:
- Produced clean electricity: TDTU is one of the pioneer installing solar panels with 472 panels installed on almost 1,000 square meters of floor, with a total capacity of 120 Kilo-Watts electricity, for nearly 17 Mega-Watts of electricity hours / month. This is a typical model for encouraging and extending the application of solar energy for power generation at agencies, offices, schools, hospitals, etc., to reduce the pressure on the electricity industry, which brings economic benefits to the people; protects environment and integrates with the world's sustainable development trend.
- Designed sustainable energy networks for rural communities: at the international competition on environmental new initiatives held in Thailand on 29/8/2018 with 15 participating countries; TDTU's concept and implementation plan for microgrid was honored to receive the third prize.
Besides the two main contents mentioned above, the National Strategic Mission 01 was also implemented by TDTU through the programs: Biogas recovery from the food waste of the Canteen, processing waste into organic fertilizer, ...
Strategic mission 02: Greening the production
Using resources in thrifty and efficient ways, developing green agriculture, applicating environmentally friendly technologies in the pollution treatment are one of the core programs implemented in response to the Strategic Mission 02 on GG.

Strategic mission 03: Greening the lifestyle and promoting sustainable consumption
The implemented models at TDTU are to demonstrate mission 3, the greening lifestyles and promoting sustainable consumption are illustrated by the following implementation images:

TDTU understands that GG is an important component of sustainable development, ensuring rapid, effective and sustainable economic development and contributing significantly to the implementation of the National Strategy on Climate Change. With what TDTU has done to implement the 03 national strategies for GG as mentioned above and other supporting activities, TDTU deserves to be the best university in Vietnam for sustainable development and friendly environment.