Traditional camp 2018 at Ton Duc Thang University

To commemorate the 87th anniversary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (26/03/1931 - 26/03/2018), Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) Youth Union held the traditional camp from the 23rd to the 25th of March 2018 at the school campus with nearly 1,500 campers from the Youth Union and young elite of TDTU.

With the theme: “DYNAMIC, CREATIVE TDTU YOUTH”, the camp took place with  a variety of activities, such as “Tent decoration”, "Lighten TDTU tradition", the final round of "The elegance of TDTU Youth”, camp fire,  Youth market,  dance and  teambuilding activities, such as "Learning about the Establishment of the Viet Nam Youth Union on the 26th of March",... Each activity, with different forms, has made a traditional camp multi-colored, dynamic, creative and encouraging.

The camp ended with joy, excitement and unity of all the youth members. The camp is an opportunity to strengthen the pride of our Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; to temper the virtuosity of all the youth members and young people in order to contribute to the improvement of the Youth Union missions and the Youth Movement to keep up with the development of TDTU.

Some photos of the camp:

The opening ceremony performance of the Youth Union members, TDTU youth


Mr. Pham Nhat Phuong, The Secretary of TDTU Youth Union, delivered the opening speech


The campers presented the meaning of their tents to the jury



Many camp teambuilding activities


Youth market at the camp


"Elegant Youth Members" and the winning team - the Faculty of Civil Engineering


Exciting camping night


The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities won the First Camping Prize




Teacher – Student sentiment,...




...,Teammate sentiment,...



... and the solidarity, working well in both learning and movement will always be the style of TDTU young people