

Laval University visited and worked with Ton Duc Thang University

On the morning of May 28, 2019, Ms. Alix Guggemos, Coordinator for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Management Sciences, Laval University (Canada) visited and worked with Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU).

During this trip to Vietnam, Ms. Alix Guggemos visited some of Vietnam's major universities; however, TDTU left the strongest impression on her with the modern and well-equipped facilities, and with the outstanding scientific-technological achievements. She expressed her desire to become the link between Laval University and TDTU, thereby building cooperation, especially with the faculties in the fields of economics.

Laval University is a French-language public research university in Quebec City of Canada, which is ranked 13th in Canada and 269th in the world by the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR). This is a top research university among the Top 10 universities in Canada offering the best sponsored research policies for students.

Some images of the meeting

Ms. Alix Guggemos, Coordinator for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Management Sciences, Laval University


Representatives of the two Universities posing for a commemorative photo