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The cooperation between Faculty of Sports Science and Department of Sport Management, Aletheia University (Taiwan)
The cooperation between Faculty of Sports Science and Department of Sport Management, Aletheia University (Taiwan)
The cooperative relationship between TDTU and the Alethia University will provides students with opportunities...
Signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Kyungwon University and Gyeongbuk Daegu Business Incubator Association
Signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Kyungwon University and Gyeongbuk Daegu Business Incubator Association
TDTU together with two partners agreed to implement many activities of exchanging and providing information; to cooperate in scientific research and training...
The International student week at the Faculty of Applied Sciences
The International student week at the Faculty of Applied Sciences
The international courses conducted by the Faculty of Applied Sciences have brought many practical benefits for learners; enhancing professional knowledge and providing many necessary life skills.
The Faculty of Pharmacy of Ton Duc Thang University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the School of Pharmacy of University of Queensland
The Faculty of Pharmacy of Ton Duc Thang University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the School of Pharmacy of University of Queensland
The University of Queensland is one of the top universities in Australia, among the 1% of the best universities in total of 26,000 universities in the world.
Students of the University College of North Denmark study management at Ton Duc Thang University
Students of the University College of North Denmark study management at Ton Duc Thang University
TDTU and UCN students had lots of academic and extracurricular activities together such as discussing the impact of globalization on the Vietnamese and Danish economy...
Cuisine Cultural Exchange at ICF 2018
Many typical dishes of some countries in the world have been processed and displayed on site by the international students, which attracted hundreds of lecturers, staff and students to visit and enjoy this Festival.
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