The congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Ton Duc Thang University Term IV (2017-2019)

The Executive Committee of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) solemnly held the Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Term IV (2017-2019) on 02nd July, 2017 attended by 145 official delegates who represent more than 10,000 members working and studying at Ton Đuc Thang University.

The Congress was held with the attendance of Comrade Phan Thi Thanh Phuong, Member of the Standing Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Chairman of Propaganda Department; Comrade Tran Ngoc Tuan, Deputy Chairman of the Inspection Committee; Dr. Vo Hoang Duy, Vice Rector of Ton Duc Thang University; Master Nguyen Van Bac, Deputy Secretary of Ton Duc Thang University’s Party Committee; Representatives of departments, divisions, committees, and affiliated units including District 7, Long Xuyen City Delegation and District delegation of Chau Phu District, An Giang Province.

The Congress has reviewed the work of the Union, report of the Executive Board of the Mission Term III (2015 - 2017) and has set the directions, objectives, and activities for Term IV (2017 - 2019). Delegates also discussed and raised the suggestions for the Congress documents in order to propose effective solutions to improve the quality of Youth Union members' activities. The Congress elected 21 members to work in the Executive Board of the term IV. The first meeting continued to elect seven members of Youth Union Board. In the Union Board, Comrade Pham Nhat Phuong was reelected as Secretary of the Youth Union, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Mr. Huynh Thi Anh Hong were elected as Deputy Secretaries of the Youth Union. On this occasion, the congress also praised the staff of the Youth Union who contributed to the mission and youth movement of the University.

The Congress of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Ton Duc Thang University was successful, demonstrating that the union members and TDTU students consense on the will and strive for studying, research and moral training along with the slogan of the Congress:

The youth of Ton Duc Thang University
Sortie spurt - Powerful integration - Confident entrepreneurship

Some pictures of the Congress

DTU  members performance opening the congress
DTU members performance opening the congress


The presidium runs the Congress


145 official delegates representing more than 10,000 members
working and studying at Ton Đuc Thang University


Đại biểu bỏ  phiếu bầu cử Ban Chấp hành Đoàn trường nhiệm kỳ IV
Delegates voting for the election of the Executive Board Term IV


Dr. Vo Hoang Duy, Vice Rector of the school giving flowers and congratulating
Executive Committee of Ton Duc Thang University Term IV (2017 - 2019)


Standing Committee of Ton Duc Thang University Delegation Term IV introduced the Congress


Excellent delegates received certificates of merit from the school delegation


All delegates are highly consistent with the Resolution of the Congress