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“Playing with children” Workshop
Playing with children is not only an act of building a strong and sustainable relationship between parents and children...
Experience outstanding quality Finnish education in Vietnam
The core values of Vietnam-Finland International School are also in the meaning of the VFIS name: Vitality, Flexibility, Inclusion and Sisu,...
Finale of the Contest "The 5th journey to find creative marketer"
Over 5 seasons, CMO has proved its academic level through increasing number of teams and increasing professional quality of teams
A sense of contemporary arts
In the afternoon of May 8, 2019, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc, a theatre director and a writer, had a talk about "Contemporary art sensibility" with students of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU).
Graduation Ceremony in April 2019
Prof. Le Vinh Danh, President of TDTU congratulated the new master’s and bachelor’s degree holders ...
Open Day of Vietnam Finland International School
On this occasion, the Vietnam-Finland International School also introduced the 2019 Summer Program. The theme of "Natural Connectivity" will take place from June 6, 2019 to July 26, 2019...
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