The 38th commemorative anniversary of death of President Ton Duc Thang (30/03/1980 – 30/03/2018)

On the morning of March 30th, 2018 (February 14th, Lunar calendar), Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) solemnly celebrated the 38th anniversary of President Ton Duc Thang's death with the attendance of many lecturers, staff and students.

At the Memorial anniversary, Dr. Vo Hoang Duy, the Vice president of TDTU, reviewed President Ton Duc Thang's glorious life and revolutionary cause. With more than 70 years of hard-work, President Ton Duc Thang dedicated his life to the revolutionary cause of the nation, wholeheartedly served the country, and the people. He is a good example of resilient will and the spirit of sacrifice for the independence and freedom of the nation, and for the happiness of the people.

Being proud to work and study at the university after his name, TDTU  lecturers, staff and students always try to teach and learn in an creative way for directly contributing to the country's prosperity, and for standing with other great nations in the world as his lifelong wish.

Some photos of the Commemorative anniversary:

The 38th Commemorative anniversary of President Ton Duc Thang’s death


“Dâng Người một bài ca” - a students’ performance


Dr. Vo Hoang Duy, the Vice President of TDTU
reviewing the life and revolutionary cause of President Ton Duc Thang


Students telling stories about Uncle Ton








Lecturers, staff and students incensing in front of Uncle Ton statue