The 4th International Conference on Finance and Economics (ICFE 2017)
On the morning of 21st September 2017, Ton Duc Thang University opened the 4th International Conference on Finance and Economics (ICFE 2017). The conference took place on 21st and 22nd of September, 2017 with the participation of many scientists, experts, doctoral students, managers and enterprises from many countries and territories such as USA, Germany, Australia, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Estonia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Fiji and Vietnam.
The conference was co-organized by 6 universities: Ton Duc Thang University; Tomas Bata University, Prague University of Economics [Czech Republic]; Fengchia University [Taiwan]; University of Dresden [Germany]; and Taylor University [Malaysia].
With the theme of innovation and sustainable development, ICFE 2017 was organized to create a forum for discussion on micro and macro issues affecting enterprises including: management; marketing; international bussiness; economy; finance; corporate accounting, tourism;... In particular, the conference devoted a research topic on creative innovation in the Hospitality industry, one of the high growth industries in the future.
The conference had over 100 researches, of which 47 had been selected through peer review. The organizers had presented 39 of the best research at the conference. Research projects presented at the conference will be published in ICFE 2017, with ISBN Index: 978-80-87990-11-7 from Melandrium Publishing House [Czech Republic]. , published by Ton Duc Thang University. At the same time, the conference proceedings will be sent to Thomson Reuter to be assessed and add to Web of Science Database, Clarivate Analytics, Conference Proceedings Citation Index within 9 months.