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TDTU Students: First prize of the "Creative Tourism Ideas 2017"
TDTU Students: First prize of the "Creative Tourism Ideas 2017"
Tourism Ideas 2017 is a dynamic playground for students to express their talents through innovative solutions and models.
VAN MINH THE HIEN, a student of Faculty of Civil Engineering, TDTU 2nd prize winner of Loa Thanh Awards 2017
VAN MINH THE HIEN, a student of Faculty of Civil Engineering, TDTU 2nd prize winner of Loa Thanh Awards 2017
Van Minh The Hien, a student of the Faculty of Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) won the second prize of Loa Thanh Awards 2017 with the project “Engineering Workshop Design VS BACKAGING VN”
NGUYEN MANH HUY, a student of Faculty of Information Technology, won first prize in the “Let's On Air” Competition 2017
NGUYEN MANH HUY, a student of Faculty of Information Technology, won first prize in the “Let's On Air” Competition 2017
"Let's On Air", the annual competition of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), is one of the activities seeking talents and creativity among students.
TDTU students and the International Marathon 2017
TDTU students and the International Marathon 2017
Nearly 800 TDTU students took part in the coordination of the 2017 International Marathon held in Ho Chi Minh City on November 26th, 2017.
TDTU’s Got Talent 2017: more than a competition
TDTU’s Got Talent 2017: more than a competition
The MIX has won the 1st prize of the TDTU'S Got Talent 2017 with martial arts performances "Life in Harmony", closing the journey of finding TDTU talent.
“TDTU Beauty”: Graceful – Intelligent – Elegant
“TDTU Beauty”: Graceful – Intelligent – Elegant
The “TDTU Beauty” contest was organized for the first time and attracted attention and attendance from a large number of youngsters who is talented representatives of thousands TDTU students.
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