Music night “Vietnamese – Korean Traditional Music” at Ton Duc Thang University
Wishing to provide learners, lecturers and staff with a variety of entertainment, combining the goal of comprehensive development of the soul and raising the knowledge of art, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held the art performance night "Vietnamese – Korean Traditional Music" on April 13 2017 with performances using many traditional instruments from Korea, Mongolia and Vietnam.
At the concert, the Faculty of Traditional Music, Ho Chi Minh City Conservatory of Music, Deobureo Sup (Chungbuk Art Association, Korea) and ethnic artists from Mongolia presented performances of emotional harmony, of a familiar but new and ethnic nature with instruments such as zither, percussion and flute. 1,000 spectators were present at the Auditorium, enjoying unique melodies that are rarely heard.
Photos from the performance night

enabling them to improve their knowledge of music and aesthetics