

Education New Zealand Agency visited and worked with Ton Duc Thang University

On the afternoon of November 14, 2018, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) welcomed Education New Zealand (ENZ) to visit and work with TDTU. Head of the delegation was Mr. Ben Burrowes, ENZ Regional Director for Southeast Asia; along with representatives from 6 prestigious universities: Aut University, University of Otago, Massay University, University of Auckland, University of Waikato and Lincoln University. On the other side TDTU was represented by Dr. Tran Trong Dao, Vice President; with heads of departments, deans of faculties of TDTU.

ENZ is a government agency in New Zealand that develops the international education system of New Zealand. At the meeting, the two sides discussed the possibilities  of cooperation between TDTU and New Zealand universities such as: introducing scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students to TDTU students; jointly organize professional seminars, workshops/ events for students; short-term courses in New Zealand for TDTU students and Vietnamese students in general; co-supervision for postgraduate research theses; exchanging visiting lecturers; implementing 3 + 1 and 2 + 2 collaboration programs; developing  preparatory and transferring undergraduate programs; collaborative research projects between universities and enterprises; and many other collaborative programs ...

The working session opened up many opportunities for cooperation between TDTU and New Zealand universities; In addition, it also contributes to the development of educational relations between Vietnam and New Zealand.

Some photos of the session:

Dr. Tran Trong Dao, TDTU Vice President delivering a welcoming speech


Mr. Ben Burrowes, ENZ Regional Director for Southeast Asia talking about the visit and work



The two sides exchanging ideas on the upcoming cooperation


Dr. Tran Trong Dao presenting a souvenir to the Delegation


The two sides taking a commemorative photo shoot