Experiences in Business and Start-up

On the morning of March 23rd, 2018, a seminar on Experiences in Business and Start-up was held at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) with the participation of nearly 1,000 lecturers and students.  Dr. Marko Seppa, Senior Advisor of the Vietnam-Finland Innovation Partnership Program was the main speaker. During his years of work, Dr. Marko Seppa has mobilized more than € 20 million for research and development programs. He also has raised funds for over 100 business and startup projects. He has advised entrepreneurs, investors and governments on business creativity and venture capital in Europe, The United States Of America, Russia, India and Vietnam since 1993.

With experiences gained from many positions and fields of work in different countries, Dr. Marko Seppa conveyed to listeners some practical lessons on choosing the right kind of business when starting a business; raising  business creativity and connecting resources including people, equipment, finance, opportunities and challenges to a well-run business. He also said that there are 3 steps to start a successful business that young people today should remember: 1) determining what you really want; 2) believing in yourself and 3) acting and striving constantly to reach the goal.

The seminar has brought a lot of good knowledge for TDTU students as well as the motivation for them on the journey of their "self-organizing business and ownership".

Some pictures of the seminar:

Overview of the seminar


Dr. Marko Seppa shares his experiences in business and start-up


MSc. Pham Nhat Phuong, Secretary of TDTU Communist youth Union gives flowers to Dr. Marko Seppa


TDTU students take pictures with Dr. Marko Seppa