Vietnamese Traditional Music Show

On March 13th, 2018, Department of Student Affairs of Ton Duc Thang university (TDTU) in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City Vocal Club “tieng hat que huong” (the voice of the motherland) at the Labour Culture Palace in Ho Chi Minh City successfully held the "Program for introducing and performing traditional music of Vietnam". The program has brought to TDTU lecturers and students the quintessence and peculiarity of Vietnamese traditional music; equipped students with basic knowledge about ethnic musical instruments and forms of folk performances in order to educate students’ love for their country as well as their national pride.

At this show, audience was briefed on Vietnamese traditional music presented by excellent artist Pham Thuy Hoan, head of the club. Besides, the audience also enjoyed the performances of musical instruments such as Monochord, Vietnamese two-chord fiddle, pear-shaped four-stringed fretted lute, long zither, H’Mong flute and percussion as well as directly inquired about the show and exchanged with performers. The music night has helped the audience enrich their knowledge of Traditional Vietnamese music and expand their richness of life.

Some pictures of the show:

The artists on the state at Auditorium A


There are many special and unique performances in the show




TDTU lecturers and students tried practicing some musical instruments with the artists