Ton Duc Thang University continues to be ranked 114th in the world for sustainable development
Ton Duc Thang University was ranked 114th, with a total score of 8,100 and reaching 8 higher positions compared to the result in 2021 ...
The International TESOL Conference 2022 at Ton Duc Thang University
On the morning of December 9, 2022, the Opening ceremony of the English Scholars Beyond Borders - Ton Duc Thang University International TESOL Conference 2022 took place at Ton Duc Thang University.
The 7th AETA Conference at Ton Duc Thang University
On the morning of December 8, 2022, the 7th International Conference on Advanced Engineering - Theory and Applications 2022: AETA 2022 was officially held at Ton Duc Thang University.