Party committee at Ton Duc Thang University organized the ceremony to review 1 year of implementing the directive No. 05-CT/TW

On May 19th 2017, the Party Committee at Ton Duc Thang University held a conference to review the work of the Party in 2016 and the preliminary implementation of Directive 05-CT / TW of the Politburo. Attending the ceremony was Mr. Le Van Tam, Vice Chairman of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Schools for Professional Education, Colleges, Universities Sector; Mr. Le Vinh Danh, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the University and all Party members of Ton Duc Thang University.

At the conference, the Party Committee reviewed the biography of President Ho Chi Minh on the occasion of the 127th anniversary of his birth (19/05/1890 - 19/05/2017), the work of the Party in 2016, activities in the first 5 months of 2017 as well as evaluating and drawing on experiences after the implementation of  ‘Study and follow Ho Chi Minh’s  moral example'.

On this occasion, the Party Committee also held the Ceremony to present 30 and 45-year-Party membership badges to two Party members, rewarded 5 strong and clean Party Cells; rewarded 3 Party Cells for completing tasks well; rewarded 12 Party members for successfully completing the tasks in 2016 and rewarded 4 Party Cells and 36 individuals for studying and following the thoughts, ethics and working style of Ho Chi Minh well (during the period from May 2016 to May 2017).

Some photos from the conference

Party Cell of students perform before the conference


Mr. Le Vinh Danh, Secretary of the Party Committee, delivered the opening speech


Mr. Le Vinh Danh handed over the 45-year-Partymembership badge
to a Party member named Tran Chuong(Party member of the Engineering Sector Party Cell)


Ms. Pham Thi Minh Ly, a Member of the Standing Committee,
handed over the 30-Party-year membership badge to a Party member
named Nguyen Van Dieu (Party member of Administrative Sector 2)


Mr. Le Vinh Danh awarded certificates of merit to 5 Clean and Strong Party Cells ...


... and to Party members accomplishing their mission excellently in 2016


Mr. Nguyen Van Bac, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, presented certificates
of merit to Party members studying and following the thoughts,
ethics and working style of President Ho Chi Minh well