

Development Goals

The missions and goals of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) are truly the lodestars for its strategies and plans in each stage of development which the university has been preparing for the next three decades.


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TDTU has the responsibility of developing high quality human resources for Ho Chi Minh city (HCMC) and the whole country in which we lay a clear emphasis on giving training to labour workers, conducting increasingly effective applied and scientific research to contribute to the country’s development in the long run and committing themselves to increasing the country’s prosperity, stability and sustainability. We are also expected to contribute more to the world’s peace and civilization.

Ton Duc Thang University's long-term goals is determined to become an applied research university within the next three decades and play a keyrole in training, retraining, fostering and enhancing professional knowledge and required skills for the demands of the high quality human resources of an industrialized and modernized nation.

To achieve these goals, TDTU is pursuing the following official policies:

  • Keep recruiting and training the academic forces carefully and building a team of highly qualified, professional and responsible staff and lecturers.
  • Constantly develop the scientific research, applied research, training management and ISO working routines in all areas, stay committed to ensuring the objective accreditation to standardize the outcomes of TDTU.
  • Increase long-term and continuous investments in infrastructure for the next three decades and ensure the adequate, intensive and timely facilities to accomplish quality objectives in each stage of training and researching.
  • Emphasize both local and international media attention for the University; expand the number of foreign experts as well as students; turn TDTU into the knot of the globalized process in the South East Asia region.
  • Keep expanding the cooperation programs with international universities which are in the world’s TOP 500 to enhance the University’s reputation, to facilitate more opportunities in learning and experience modern management, to benefit from the advanced knowledge of foreign countries and to receive the transfer of foreign training models; quickly improve the training quality of some major equivalent to regional and international standards. All of the TDTU’s degrees must be approved and accredited by international organizations.