Ton Duc Thang University: Top 200 universities having the most influence on economic growth and global employment
The ranking organization THE (Times Higher Education) has just announced the results of THE University Impact Rankings 2021 with the participation of 1,115 universities from 94 countries and regions. Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) is ranked in the 401-600 group on this list. THE University Impact Rankings is built to evaluate and rank the contribution of the universities worldwide in the implementation of sustainable development goals of the United Nations.
This is the 3rd year TDTU has participated in this ranking. Among 11 evaluated criteria, TDTU got higher points in 3 criteria:
8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Among these criteria, TDTU's points for criterion 8 has increased from about 47.3 - 54.2 in the 2020 ranking period to about 61.3-68.3 in the 2021 ranking period.
This criterion focuses on evaluating the university’s contribution to economic growth, job creation and ensuring good working conditions for employees through data such as studies on economic growth, employee’s working environment, and the proportion of students participating in internship for one month or more in enterprises. With these results, TDTU is ranked among the group of 101-200 top universities in the world with contribution to the goals of economic growth and global employment.
Over the years, scientific and technological activities at TDTU have achieved great accomplishments, including many typical economic - financial projects. In 2019, TDTU coordinated with the Financial Management Association International (FMA) to organize a Scientific Conference on Financial Management in the Asia-Pacific region with more than 130 leading scholars from around the world who participated in reporting and discussing global financial and economic issues.
Enterprise cooperation is also one of the key contents that TDTU has effectively implemented continuously for many years with more than 1,000 partner enterprises. This business network is the ideal internship environment for TDTU students. All students studying at the university have at least one semester of internship in enterprises with many modules taught in the enterprises or taught by experts of enterprises invited by the university. With these efforts, the percentage of TDTU students employed after 12 months of graduation has reached 100% over the years.
Sustainable development which is TDTU’s strategy is carried out throughout with specific actions identified in the development plan of each stage.