I. Functions and Responsibilities
1. Functions
The Department is responsible for carrying out 9 key areas of work and is divided into 3 Teams, specifically:
- The Testing Team is responsible for 3 key tasks: Testing, Managing and Developing test banks, and Managing score databases;
- The Internal Quality Assurance Team is responsible for 4 key tasks: Training inspection and quality assurance, Operating the system in accordance with ISO standards, Surveying students and stakeholders, and Managing diplomas, certificates and copies;
- The Accreditation and Ranking Team is responsible for 2 key tasks: Accreditation of higher education institutions and study programs, and University rankings.
2. Responsibilities
Advise the Presidential Board on building long-term, medium-term, and annual goals, strategies, and development plans for the tasks within the Department’s functions.
Implement and be responsible for the tasks within the Department’s functions.
Carry out reporting and accountability in accordance with the law and the University’s regulations upon request.
Perform other tasks as per the regulations and requirements of the University.
II. Personnel
- Dr. Duong Thi Thuy Van - Head of Department; Email: duongthithuyvan@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Vo Ngan Tho (MA) - Deputy Head of Department; Email: vongantho@tdtu.edu.vn
- Mr. Bui Huu Toan (MA) - Assistant Head of Department; Email: buihuutoan@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Nguyen Thi Trieu (MA) - Leader of the Accreditation and Ranking Team; Email: nguyenthitrieu@tdtu.edu.vn
- Dr. Pham Thi Luong - Staff; Email: phamthiluong@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Nguyen Thi Hue Trinh (MA) - Staff; Email: nguyenthihuetrinh@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Ngo Thi Van Anh (MA) - Staff; Email: ngothivananh@tdtu.edu.vn
- Mr. Nguyen Hoang Duy - Staff; Email: nguyenhoangduy@tdtu.edu.vn
- Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hai - Staff; Email: nguyenxuanhai@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Ngo Thi Hoang Phuong - Staff; Email: ngothihoangphuong@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Huynh Thi Phuong Thanh - Staff; Email: huynhthiphuongthanh@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Gia Thi Phuong Thuy - Staff; Email: giathiphuongthuy@tdtu.edu.vn
- Mr. Nguyen The Nhan - Staff; Email: nguyenthenhan@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Vo Thi Thanh Phung - Staff; Email: vothithanhphung@tdtu.edu.vn
- Mr. Luu Hien Hang - Staff; Email: luuhienhang@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan - Staff; Email: nguyenthikimngan@tdtu.edu.vn
- Mr. Hoang Ngoc Long - Staff; Email: hoangngoclong1@tdtu.edu.vn
- Ms. Vo Thien An - Staff; Email: vothienan@tdtu.edu.vn
Contact details
Room A0302 – Ton Duc Thang University
Phone number: (028) 377 55 042 , (028) 377 55 071 - Email: dtqa@tdtu.edu.vn