A Visit of the Central Propaganda Department to Ton Duc Thang University

On May 14, 2024, the delegation of the Central Propaganda Department and the delegation of the Propaganda Department of the City Party Committee along with the departments and agencies of Ho Chi Minh City visited and worked at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU).

The visit and working session were within the framework of a survey of 10 years of deployment and implementation of Conclusion No. 94-KL/TW dated March 28, 2014 of the Secretariat on continuing to innovate the study of political theory in the national education system.

The delegation of the Central Propaganda Department was led by Mr. Doan Van Bau - Director General of the Department of Political Theory, the Central Propaganda Department along with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Propaganda Unit - General Political Department of the Vietnam People’s Army.

The delegation of the Propaganda Department of the City Party Committee and departments and agencies of Ho Chi Minh City was led by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Doan - Head of the Department of Science and Education, the Propaganda Department of the City Party Committee and representatives of the units of the Department of Science and Education and the Department of Political Theory - Party History, Propaganda Department of City Party Committee; Ms. Nguyen Thi La, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City University and College.

The delegation toured TDTU’s facilities and learning environment and had a working session with the Presidential Board and leaders of units under TDTU.

At the meeting, Dr. Tran Trong Dao - TDTU President affirmed that in recent times, the implementation of Conclusion No. 94-KL/TW dated March 28, 2014 of the Party Central Committee Secretariat has always been of concern to the University’s focus, especially on innovating teaching methods, from the stage of building course objectives to determining course learning outcomes...

Based on the specific characteristics of Political Theory courses, the University not only focuses on equipping knowledge (basic and in-depth), but also focuses on educating students about the political ideology and cultivating the bravery, qualities, and lifestyle of the modern Vietnamese youth generation while still retaining the traditional beauty and university cultural characteristics of TDTU. In addition, the University always pays attention and focuses on developing a team of lecturers for teaching Political Theory courses; fostering and improving the level of political theory from intermediate to advanced levels for the University’s staff and lecturers. In particular, over many years, the University has been persistent and creative in management and comprehensive education so that learners can be trained and become purposeful, disciplined and law-abiding citizens, being responsible and spirited for the community.

Delivering the closing remarks at the meeting, Mr. Doan Van Bau - Director of the Department of Political Theory, the Central Propaganda Department highly appreciated the implementation of Conclusion No. 94-KL/TW at Ton Duc Thang University. These results are achieved thanks to the attention of the Party Committee and the Presidential Board in leading, directing, thoroughly grasping, and raising responsibility of all staff, lecturers, and students of the University; and awareness of vision and philosophy in building study programs. He emphasized that people and facilities are important factors in the sustainable development of the University’s activities. The University needs to continue to promote the role of the teaching staff to identify the challenges of theoretical education in the new situation, the era of digital transformation; improve the professional knowledge of political theory for lecturers; and continue to innovate and create methods of propaganda and inspiration for learners.

Dr. Tran Trong Dao - TDTU President delivering a speech at the working session
Mr. Doan Van Bau - Director General of the Department of Political Theory, the Central Propaganda Department delivering a speech at the working session
Ms. Pham Thi Ha Thuong (MA) - Acting Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities presenting some learning results of political theory courses
Dr. Tran Trong Dao - President of TDTU presenting a souvenir to Mr. Doan Van Bau - Director General of the Department of Political Theory, the Central Propaganda Department
Representatives of the Presidential Board and lecturers of TDTU in group photos with the Central Propaganda Department
Some photos of the delegation visiting TDTU